Crafting a Compelling Resume

The 3 key indicators of a candidate's future success

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Read time: 3 minutes

In Today’s Issue

  • My process for how I review a resume.

  • The 3 important things I look for that are key indicators of future success.

  • Questions to ask yourself to craft a compelling resume.

If you’re reading this email, then you’re likely someone who values their career and wants to advance.

First off, air high-five to you for investing the time to work on some self-improvement!

Even just taking 5 minutes to read this newsletter each week is a small step in the right direction.

And it's not lost on me what a privilege it is to have your attention for this short time. So thank you.

Anyways, back to the important stuff.

Your resume! That’s what I wanted to talk about.

Your resume is YOU encapsulated on 1 sheet of paper (or 2).

It’s the summation of your whole career deduced to 600-1200ish words.

Your resume is like a trailer for a blockbuster movie.

In just a few minutes, it needs to capture the essence of the entire film, enticing viewers to want more.

Similarly, your resume must encapsulate your entire career journey in a concise format, enticing employers to want to learn more about you.

Just as a well-crafted trailer leaves audiences eager to see the full movie, a well-crafted resume leaves hiring managers eager to bring you in for an interview.

Building world class sales and marketing teams is a passion of mine and finding and hiring the best talent is where it all starts.

Let’s dive in.

Over the last 2 months, I’ve reviewed over 200+ resumes and hired 2 people.

(I wrote a LinkedIn post about it here)

How do I review a resume?

I look for 3 things:

  1. Your ability to do hard things.

  2. Proof of the impact you’ve generated.

  3. Role related knowledge.

1. Your ability to do hard things.

  • What have you accomplished? Have you won top awards?

  • Did you challenge yourself? Do you excel in complex jobs?

  • Have you solved really tough problems?

  • Have you gotten promoted? More than once?

  • Are you progressing in your career or staying stagnant?

What you achieve, the degree of challenges you tackle, and your career growth showcase your capacity to thrive in demanding environments and deliver outstanding outcomes consistently.

2. Proof of the impact you’ve generated.

  • What did you deliver in the role?

  • What are the results?

  • Do you hit a sales quota? Consistently?

  • Do you grow revenue, improve efficiency, or deliver improved ROI?

  • If your resume is just a copy paste of the job description, that means you haven’t driven impact.

Measurable results show the real value that you delivered in your roles and indicate that you make a difference.

  • Do you have the relevant skills and expertise to excel in the role?

  • Are you a thought leader in the industry?

  • Does your resume show that you’re effective in your field?

  • Can you hit the ground sprinting?

  • Or is what you really need a stepping stone job before this one?

You get this one. You need to meet the qualifications of the role.

To wrap it up

Investing time in refining your resume is a crucial step toward advancing your career.

Your resume serves as a snapshot of your professional journey, encapsulating your achievements, impact, and relevant skills.

By highlighting your ability to overcome challenges, deliver tangible results, and demonstrate expertise in your field, you can capture the attention of hiring managers and stand out as a top candidate.

Remember, crafting a compelling resume is not just about listing experiences—it's about showcasing your potential to make a significant impact in your next role.

Onwards and upwards,


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